I'm Not Distracted

His love was so thick, His fragrance so overwhelming, and the anointing oil so richly flowing. That deep deep love of the Father, that overwhelming love, that sweet sweet perfume, that aroma that manifests, the richness of the oil which fills the lamps.

I'm not distracted...

Sundays Ministry Time

A mirror image of Saturday nights...
However the stage acting and antics were somewhat better..

Saturday Night Ministry Time

Once again, where is the anointing of God?
As I stated, without rain, the puddles dry up...
Remove the chains of bondage!

God's Word Says

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:19

In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

Saturdays Ministry Time - The Puddles

They are drying up...
Change course, undue what you have done, remove the chains of bondage...

The Time Has Come

And change is unfolding....

The Prophets Of Baal

There are alive, well and among us. However there is soon a spirit of truth, a prophetic voice that will rise up and expose them.

Isn't It Obvious That Somethings Wrong

Do you not see, with even your own eye's? Do you not understand what is happening? Has pride, control, and desire blinded you?

Take the chains of bondage off.

Where Is My Anointing Among You

Where is my anointing among you? How many times must I release my anointing and my power through my love, only to have you reject such? You cannot place me in your box. You cannot place me in your rules, and religious ways. Do you not recall the words "my word is a lamp unto your feet". Do you not recall even the dry desert winds? Yet you place me and mine on your shelf, yet you desire to walk in freedom and shine.

Remove your religious ways, your precepts of men, and the chains that you continue to cast, impose and enforce.

Three Moves Of The Spirit For California

A Light Breeze
A Wind
A Mighty Rushing Wind

Chickens Don't Swim

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road
Actually there were two chickens. The first chicken crossed the road because he thought it was there to be crossed. The second chicken followed the first chicken, because the first chicken liked to be followed.

Then when both the chickens got to the other side of the road, the other side of
the road was a mirror imagine of this side of the road and offered nothing of value.

However the first chicken (set in his old ways) continued going forward and fell into a shallow ditch. The second chicken turned around and realized that the road had become a flowing river and also realized that he was a duck.

So the duck jumped into the river and went with the rivers flow. Then as the duck flowed with the river, other ducks jumped into the river and they all ended up in a huge lake filled with an abundance of water.

Then all the ducks quacked, and quacked and splashed and splashed and the lake was filled with joy.

Then the second chicken who realized that he was a duck wondered where the first chicken was, and then all the ducks prayed and prayed and the first chicken climbed out of the shallow hole, jumped into the river and ended up in the huge lake and all the duckies lived happily everafter.

The moral of the story is, that sometimes it takes a duck to show the chicken the way.

Quack, Quack!

The Slapping Of A Hand

How easy it is to slap a hand. It is a insult to slap another persons hand in anger. Some feel that they have God given authority to abuse that authority and insult others. However it is wise to consider the hand that you slap, before you slap it. That hand just might be an extension of what God is purposing, and in reality you are slapping the very hand of God, as an extension through one of God's called, chosen and anointed.

Love is the greatest of all gifts...