Title: Competitive Job Search
By: Russel Hadick
ISBN#: 978-1449786380
Review Date: June 15, 2013
A Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
Competitive Job Search by Russel Hadick is based on proven training methods developed from over twenty-five years owning his own search firm and outplacement firm. These methods can be used as a complete guidebook to land the perfect job or career. According to the author, this is the first time this information has been compiled in one book. With this book, you will gain valuable insight into how to conduct a job search that produces results from a 90% feedback response from every resume that is sent out. With a comprehensive and detailed plan of action, that not only gives practical tips on every aspect of a job search, this guidebook will also teach multi-faceted and key networking and strategy tactics, that enables one to sail through interviews and land the job that 100's of other people are applying for. Find out that looking for a job is not the daunting task that you have dreaded, but gain new perspective and confidence on your job search as you educate yourself as to what works in any industry.
Despite the adverse and volatile employment arena, this book provides key tips that are the best proven methods of obtaining employment – no matter the economic climate. Not only will these methods teach you on how to keep organized, but for many, stress is relieved by giving a detailed plan of action that has been proven to work. It doesn't matter what field you are in or if you are looking for long-term employment or another career, these methods have been proven to work. It is the author's hopes that in this competitive job market these skills will help families with the jobs that they need to survive in the so-called 'job market.'
This book is a phenomenal book and comes highly recommended. Filled with practical information and tips on how to obtain the job you desire in a manner that has been proven to work. Be empowered by reading this book!
Get your copy of Competitive Job Search at Amazon, at WestBow Press, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.
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