The Prophetic Ministry Blog is an extention of Kingdom Expansion Ministries of In His Glorious Name Ministries. May you be richly blessed here and may the Spirit of the Lord move through the many things you will learn on this site.
Our prayers and hopes are that as you read the posts on this site, that you will find a much deeper and intimate relationship with the Lord, that you will be encouraged, and that the gifts of the spirit will further be stirred in you life and ministry through and in Christ.
The writings on this site come after 15 years of growing and walking within the prophetic ministry. You might first notice that no name is mentioned of the author of this site other than administrator. The purpose of this, is simply that Jesus would receive all the honor, glory and praise, and that Jesus alone would be glorified.
This being the purpose of this site, that you as the reader would be directed to the Lord whom is the giver of the gifts, that you would be led of and by the Spirit which leads us into all truth, and that the Word of God would be the very foundation that you discern this site and the writings on this site through.
Having been involved in the prophetic ministry for at 15 years now, walking in the office of a prophet. I have many times seen those growing in the prophetic ministry seeking and chasing after prophets, the prophetically gifted, prophetic ministries and conferences rather than seeking the Lord in the depths of true intimacy and relationship.
One of the most important realities within the prophetic ministry is character and the development of character. Character takes on many shapes, many forms, and goes through many levels of maturity as love is perfected, as the fruits of the spirit manifest and come forth in both the life of a believer, the life of a prophet and those within the prophetic ministry.
It is the Holy Spirit that brings forth character coupled with seasons of in taking the Word of God. Therefore it is my hopes that within the writings of this prophetic blog that you will be blessed in great abundance as you seek wisdom, discerning all things according to scripture, and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. In Jesus name, Amen.