Tongues Like As Fire

It seems that some would have no problem with slandering others. Of course the "it's my opinion, or I've discerned, or ..... seems to be the wording at times.

Let's see here. You're husband walks in pride, the woman shares with the husbands wife. Your husband is the reason why you're sick, it's because he is a weak tattered covering, the woman shares with the husband's wife. You're husband also walks in a spirit of pride and deception, the woman shares with the husband's wife. Oh and by the way, don't tell you're husband that I told you these things, it's just between us girls, the woman tells the husband's wife.

Deception comes in many forms, even in the sweetness of words spoken. And this comes out of one in a position of leadership of a church? This is a elder woman giving wise counsel to a younger woman? This is according to the word of God, Kingdom principles and in the spirit of truth? Here are three words: SLANDER, GOSSIP, MALICE. If one were to perform a word search at on these three words, one would find heavenly pearls of wisdom.

Brute Beasts

Many times people bring false accusations against others with an agenda. They usually start with behind closed doors gossip as to gather strength in numbers. Yet it's the agenda that drives their heart. After they sow the seeds of false accusations whereas they feel empowered, they then put their agenda's to work with the well "we think" mind set.

What they fail to realize is that in doing so, they stain their own garments and dis honor God