New Book Release - Dead Dreams by Emma Right

Brie has just turned eighteen and has the world at her fingertips.  Her new life on her own has just begun.  She has big dreams, a loving and supportive family, a new roommate, Sarah, who besides being a rich heiress seems to have a few strange quirks, yet it pays the bills - Brie reasons to herself.  Ominous, yet inviting, this new series offers an on the edge of your seat psychological thrill ride. 

Set in modern day California, namely the Atherton area, everything looks perfect…but is it?  Brie tries to brush it aside, this feeling, these strange happenings with her roommate, but could it be that what lies beneath is sometimes darkness, instead of light.  She just can't quite put her finger on it yet, but Brie is determined to see her dreams come true with acting school and finishing college on the horizon.  Her new life is blossoming; still it's almost too good to be true?? We all have dreams, but Brie's dreams just might lead her down an unabated path of destruction leading to a nightmare – One that she might not be able to recover from and with deadly consequences.  This is another must read by Emma Right. 

You may get your copy of Emma Right's Dead Dreams: Book 1 at Amazon, and in Kindle Edition . Be sure to pick up your copy today. Be sure to visit Emma at Author Emma Right.

The power of Christian Book Marketing sharing Christian authors around the globe.

Christian Book Releases - Bipolar Victory by Ray Sturt

In his candid memoir, Bipolar Victory, Ray Sturt tells his story about bipolar disorder, of devastating loss, restoration, and second chances. Although a typical onset of the disorder occurs at age 25, Ray Sturt's developed much later in life. A successful machinist, U.S. Army Reserve soldier, husband, and father, Sturt's life was derailed by an unexpected diagnosis in his 40's. A mood disorder characterized by cycles of depression and elation, bipolar disorder affected his thinking, judgment and behavior. He spiraled into a bottomless pit of depression, fear and suicidal thoughts. But Ray was not alone in his suffering. Ray's wife and two sons lived alongside him through twelve years of worry, stress and embarrassment as Ray's condition worsened. Glimpses of elation and dark periods of depression followed. The devastation of bipolar touched every part of Ray's life: his job, marriage, health, even his faith. His book, Bipolar Victory, describes his struggle with mental illness and sudden release and how it affected the whole family. Written for the bipolar community, Ray shares his story to encourage and comfort those living under the oppression and siege of mental illness.

Be sure to visit Author Ray Sturt at Bipolar Victory. You may also get your copy of Bipolar Victory at Amazon and at Barnes and Noble.

Christian Fiction Adventure Novel - Byron Anderson's Quest for Light – Adventure of the Magi

Quest for Light – Adventure of the Magi by Byron Anderson offers an amazing fiction adventure novel shedding light on the birth of Jesus Christ.  Perfect for this Christmas season, Anderson presents a fascinating tale that will not soon be forgotten!  Beginning with Balthasar, the High Priest of Asdin, his obsession with the star over Bethlehem is all-consuming as he anticipates in his soul that something magnificent is about to happen.  Summoning his experts and the three Magi, known as royalty and as high priests, the Magi set off on an action-packed adventure filled with bandits, sand storms and the meeting of many travelers along the road. 

Written with a biblical historical perspective of the birth of Christ, the Messiah, this is a tale of anticipation of the greatest event to take place in a little town called Bethlehem.  Come experience the ancient of days, as the three Magi begin the sojourn to fulfilling prophecy, told centuries before as they come to believe in the Hebrew Messiah, revealing the reality of the birth of the Messiah and His reign as the one true God.  A wonderful, inspiring and encouraging read that will leave a yearning for more of this Messiah – Jesus Christ.

Be sure to visit the author at his website Byron Anderson for more information. You may also get your copy of Quest for Light – Adventure of the Magi at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

Christian Book Marketing, sharing Christian authors with the world.

Rick Blaisdell, Author of One Life to Give - Get Your Copy At Amazon, Barnes and Noble and in Kindle Edition

Title: One Life to Give
By: Rick Blaisdell
Review Date: November 18, 2013
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

One Life to Give by Pastor and author Rick Blaisdell is a moving memoir of his life and missionary travels to many foreign countries exhibiting the many supernatural and mighty works of God.  As a former drug addict and alcoholic, there came a day when all the hurt, anger and addiction to drugs and alcohol was completely gone as Rick encountered Jesus – with a changed heart, a new life and a love for others that he never knew existed, Rick was a changed man and never looked back.  Come and experience his story of "real" miracles told from his travels to foreign countries as he brought the Gospel to those that were captives, bound in darkness – witness firsthand healing and deliverance from the mission fields.  This book will ignite passion for the Gospel to be preached around the world.  Your one life can make a difference!

Written as an encouragement to those individuals that think their "one life" can't change lives, Rick has given his service wholeheartedly to the Lord.  The reader will find encouragement, hope and inspiration through the journal entries and stories presented, shedding light on the hope of salvation, healing and the new life that the Gospel brings.  Each journey Rick went on led him to new and amazing adventures that exhibit the depth of love, grace and compassion that Jesus Christ has for humanity.  Each account has been typed exactly as the journal entries were first written and are eye-witness accounts by Blaisdell to the glorious healing and hope Jesus brings to individuals that are broken, discouraged and in need of desperate help.  This is a highly recommended read for those that want to "do the real stuff."  Find inspiration and an invitation to find new life in God in this true-to life testimony of one man's life that changed many.  A highly recommended read!

You may also get your copy of One Life to Give by Author Rick Blaisdell in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble. Be sure to visit Pastor Rick's website, One Life To Give Book.

Christian authors and writers use the power of
Christian Book Marketing Online to share Christ with the nations.

Frances Copeland Lucas, author of Breadcrumbs From Genesis

Breadcrumbs From Genesis…Leave a Breadcrumb, Make a Difference by life coach Frances Copeland Lucas is an uplifting study guide through the Book of Genesis.  Come and learn biblical applications that will improve your life in every area   Enclosed within are small cards with scripture that teach, instruct and encourage from the Word of God.  These cards can be left in specific places (i.e. doctor's offices, grocery stores, etc.) to bless others.  What a wonderful way to read the Word and spread the Word!

Frances Copeland Lucas is a life coach with many years of mentoring and public speaking.  With a degree in Advanced Certified Corporate Coach degree from Corporate Coach University and a B.A. in Business Management and a Masters in Human Resources, Frances has facilitated classes for large and small groups, created and organized self-improvement, mentoring and employee development programs, classes, and workbooks. 

Give her a topic and a time and she will come facilitate a class on it with great results!  She believes that God's purpose for her life is to share her experiences and help others to learn from their mistakes so they can be who God wants them to be and serve both Him and others.  As a professional discipleship coach certified through Blueprint for Life Institute, she is dedicating her life to helping others find their God-given purpose in life. 

Christian authors use Christian Book Marketing to share God's love with the world.

Quick and Easy Recipes for Homeschooling Families

Food for Thought: Quick and Easy Recipes for Homeschooling Families by multi-published award winning author, Lorilyn Roberts, is a delicious new cookbook created for the homeschool family.  Easy, fun and delicious recipes for any budget that will encourage cooking together as a family.

Inspiring thoughtful discussion, each recipe includes a mouth-watering recipe, famous quotes and homeschooling activities that create warm memories in the kitchen for YOU and YOUR FAMILY that are priceless.  A highly recommended cookbook for moms that want to not only teach their children, but engage them in meaningful discussion; all giving glory to God, the one we give thanks to in all things. You cannot go wrong with this cookbook! 

Lorilyn Roberts is a professional author and court reporter.  As a homeschooler for over fifteen years of her two young daughters she invites families to have fun and take the drudgery out of cooking by encouraging a loving, fun and instructional atmosphere. 

Lorilyn Roberts loves to write and has been writing since she was a young child, her books include such titles as Children of Dreams, The Seventh Dimension and the companion devotional to The Seventh Dimension -  Am I Okay God? Devotionals from the Seventh Dimension created for young adults to answer the many pertinent topics mentioned in the novel, such as: self-worth, family, goals, insecurity, bullying, salvation, forgiveness and faith. 

Food for Thought: Quick and Easy Recipes for Homeschooling Families is available at Amazon and is sure to please every appetite!  You may also get your copy in Kindle Edition and at other fine online bookstores.

This is a Christian Author's Article Blast by CBM Christian Book Marketing. For further information about CBM, simply visit our website.

The Application of God's Word in the Workplace - God's Career Guide by Patrick Layhee

Title: God's Career Guide: Practical Insights for the Workplace Christian
By: Patrick Layhee 
Review Date: November 10, 2013
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

 God's Career Guide: Practical Insights for the Workplace Christian by Patrick Layhee is an outstanding read for every Christian in the workplace and more…and applies to all Christians who desire to be blessed in their work life.  From homemakers to CEO's and everything in between, this book gives, "A practical, Bible-based career guide that includes a helpful study guide to help enrich the lives of working Christians by applying God's Word to their jobs and careers."  Full of encouragement and biblical principles, the author systematically goes through the Bible, beginning from Genesis, to give a full spectrum scope of correct biblical attitudes, beliefs and abilities that pertain to Christians in the marketplace and beyond.  Within that, the author explains clearly that God created work and that work is an integral part of being blessed throughout life.  Rich with Scripture, the author gives a biblical picture of what God had in mind when He created work, listing the top three priorities of life (God, family and work).  Written with much positive affirmation derived from scripture, the author offers a biblical perspective on correct attitudes and viewpoints that offer very practical biblical applications for every Christian to assimilate into their lives and the workplace.  This book offers an uplifting guide on day-to-day living in the workplace with a well-rounded understanding of the blessings involved when one fears the Lord and applies these principles to their life in the marketplace.   

Written as a complete handbook and guide, the author covers every question, area and belief that one may have, including discussions of certain oppositions in the workplace.  This book will aid in developing a healthy lifestyle in the workplace no matter what your job is.  A helpful study guide is also included that is recommended for either the individual or within a group setting.   

This is a well-written and biblically sound book that is a highly recommended read for those that desire not only to fulfill the will of God, but need encouragement for the daily life that we all lead as we head off to work.  This book will enrich every area of your life and is a blessing to the Body of Christ.  You won't be disappointed, only blessed with this amazing read. 

For more information about the author and some life-changing ministry visit God's Career Guide where you will be blessed, encouraged and empowered by applying God's Word to the world of work. You can get your copy of God's Career Guide by Patrick Layhee at Amazon and at other fine online bookstores. You may also visit Patrick at Facebook.

Christian authors use Christian Book Marketing to share the Good News.

Author Gregory Bellarmine's The Blood that Cries in the Ground

Highly Recommended
A fantastic intriguing journey filled with supernatural happenings- The Criskindl, Ice Steeds, the Unborn and Saint – An Epic Adventure!

Author Gregory Bellarmine releases: The Blood that Cries in the Ground –A Memoir of St. Nicholas - Heathen, Bishop, Brother (from the Father Dante Journals) - an action packed thriller taken from Scripture, Genesis, chapter 4 - "What have you done? Listen, your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground.  Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand…"  Shedding light on the greatest myth ever told – St. Nicholas- this drama is engaging and filled with supernatural miracles that weave an unforgettable and entertaining adventure.  A Perfect read for this Christmas Season!

Ominous and daunting, this journey takes place in 1912; Gregory Bellarmine as a devout Catholic has captured the essence of the Roman Catholic priesthood and offers an entertaining novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat.  Father Dante seems to have miracles surrounding him and others are taking note.  Young Antonio takes a deep interest in the tale and quickly becomes Dante's sincere confidant.  Upon a vow of secrecy, Antonio learns of a deep dark past that has yet to be revealed. 

Father Dante has been compared to Saint Nicholas, a strange comparison in that Father Dante was of the notion that all children should get the strap for Christmas – instead of rewarding children's year long insolence with secular rewards…

This is an epic adventure that will tantalize the senses, making note of the spiritual realm. A highly recommended read for those that favor adventurous novels with a historic flair.   Bellarmine offers a novel that traverses the globe from Italy to the Holy Land and readers will find this novel highly entertaining with the mention of demons, cults, rituals, warriors and the like.

To find out more about Gregory Bellarmine and his new book release The Blood that Cries in the Ground please visit Amazon. The Blood that Cries in the Ground is also available in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble


Lorieen D. Henry, Amazon, Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter - New Book Release Dig In

Lorieen D. Henry is a homemaker, Veteran of the United States Army and holds a BA in journalism from the University of Southern Mississippi.  As a multi-published author, her books inspire and teach the amazing saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.   Her latest book is Dig In (offered in Kindle only) this short easy to read daily devotional offers refreshment from God's Word on various subjects from A to Z.  Developed as a personal devotional, this book is perfect to carry in your purse for encouragement and for the teaching of God's Holy Word.  The author's purpose is to help bring understanding to God's Word and inspires a deeper intimacy with God, giving practical biblical application and teaching of the many issues in life today. 

There is a Miracle in 21: God Completes is a deeply poignant book, sharing the author's personal journey on a road to recovery with God.  Her story is one that many women find themselves in – finding themselves in a place of complete discontentment.  No doubt that we all have struggles and life is sometimes not a bowl full of cherries, but as the author proclaims triumphantly from her book - with God we are more than conquerors in Christ and all things are possible with Him.  There's one requirement – you've got to give him your mess (life) before He can fix it.  She writes to encourage, inspire and give hope to others that are going through their own struggles so that they may find hope, love, forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.  Readers will come to discover that there is hope and that God completes as the title speaks. 

Authors use Christian Book Marketing book blasts to share the Goodness of God around the world.

Strange Happenings - Dead Dreams: Book 1, the Novel by Emma Right

CBM Christian Author Press Release

Award winning and multi-published author Emma Right releases her new series and novel, Dead Dreams: Book 1.  Created as a young adult contemporary psychological thriller, this emotional drama takes readers on a journey through main character, Brie's life. 

Young Brie, has just turned eighteen and she knows what she wants.  Now on her own for her first time, common sense seems to get thrown out the window as she lets Sarah, an heiress to a coal mining fortune enter her world.  At first things are polite, but strange happenings begin to occur as Brie starts to wonder about Sarah—did she make a mistake? 

Filled with the theme of eternity, destiny and finding one's true desires…this read comes highly recommended as Brie's dreams quickly morph into nightmares with dire consequences.  Will Brie continue to throw out common sense and keep her roommate? 

Emma Right takes the reader on many twists and turns throughout this psychological mystery thrill ride, basing this novel on the scripture, "What if a man gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"  Ingeniously and masterfully written, Emma Right, has created a hugely popular series, sure to inspire and encourage young adults to turn from selfish ambition into the loving arms of Jesus Christ, Savior of all.

Emma Right is a happy wife, Christian homeschooler and mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a longhaired dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get their little noses in one.  Right worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children.

Get your copy of Dead Dreams: Book 1 and other books by Emma Right at Amazon. Dead Dreams: Book 1 is also available in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

Be sure to visit Emma Right at her author's website for tips and ideas about books, homeschooling, bible devotions, and other great ministry. You may follow Emma at her Facebook page

CBM Christian Author Press Releases, sharing Christian authors with the world.


Set Free by Peggy Yellen, get it at Amazon and at Barnes and Noble

Title: Set Free
By: Peggy Yellen
ISBN#978-1-59526-687-3 (PB)
Review Date: October 31, 2013
A Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars

Set Free by Peggy Yellen depicts her journey into the grace and truth of God, proclaiming the Lord's faithfulness throughout her life - Engaging and inspiring, Peggy's story begins as a young child that loved Jesus as her best friend. Growing up in a very dysfunctional household contributed to emotional behaviors that led to severe spiritual and emotional bondage.  She candidly shares this dark period in her life, revealing a diagnosis as a paranoid schizophrenic.  Her life is heart breaking at times in that eventually she experienced a complete breakdown as her thought life was shrouded for many years with deep depression, fear and anxiety.  Her story is remarkable and demonstrates the power of God to see her through all of this and demonstrates His power to lift individuals up from the darkest pit of despair.  Rich with Scripture, this book gives hope to the hopeless and lights the path to wholeness in the truth and grace of Jesus Christ.   

Peggy continues to testify to a risen Savior, Jesus Christ and gives her experience of the death of her husband in this revised edition that displays God's tender loving care.  Her re-born experience is an encouragement to all and being "Set Free" is testimony to the saving power of the Jesus Christ and to the truth of His Word.  Her purpose in writing this book is to encourage and teach others that they also are in need of this Savior and that this amazing grace is available to all.

You may get your copy of Set Free by Peggy Yellen at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores. Be sure to visit Peggy at her website By Grace Set Free for further information, book orders and some great ministry.

CBM Christian Book Review sharing Christian authors around the globe.