In a world where almost anything goes. The supernatural takes on many forms and many forms that are not from God, or that lead to eternal salvation. However within the functioning of the Kingdom of God, there is a supernatural that is of God and from God. The Prophetic Ministry.
You see God is not some make believe creation of mankind that lives in some distant galaxy. God is the creator of all things, the creator of the universe, and the creator of mankind.
Now when you ponder that reality to include the entire creation and the space that it was created in. The reality of God becomes beyond what man's mind can even begin to fathom.
And within this to assume, and come into agreement that God cannot speak to His creation is so far out of touch with who God is, that it's simply ridiculous.
For which is easier. To create the entire universe and the space it is harnessed within, or speak to men that were created by the Master Creator. We must all come out of the box.
Blessings, in Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online