I'm way behind on posting revelation as there is so much unfolding. Here's a interesting dream and most importantly, I am not the producer of the dream, the cast director, the play write, the sound man or the director. That's the Holy Spirit's part.
I found myself standing at a counter and a young man named David walked up to me and handed me a colorful bag. I looked at the bags and knew that it's contents were cans of food.
I then turned to a standard size refrigerator, opened the door and there were stacks and stacks of aluminum trays filled with homemade enchilada's with all the trimmings. So I grabbed a plate and placed a enchilada on the plate and handed it to the young man.
As I was doing this, my dad (symbolic) walked up to me and said "your wife (symbolic) is in the next room (symbolic) filing for divorce", so I walked into the next room and there was my wife sitting with another woman (symbolic) who was quite shocked that I walked up as she was instigating this process.
So I walked up to my wife (symbolic) and said "If you want a divorce, you can have one. I don't want one, but if that's what you want, I have the authority to give you one, but the baby (symbolic) goes with me.
Interesting dream, however right on course.
The scriptural application to the above symbolic dream is profound.