Last night I dreamt that I opened my bedroom door and a friend was standing there, a very close friend. I then said to him "get in here, someone has broken into the house". He then said "what". And I said, again "someone has broken int the house and they are in the house". The friend was confused. I then said "look, see the back door is opened". The dream ended.
This dream speaks of the enemy who wages war against the saints. He is subtle, sneaky, and deceptive. Rarely does he confront the saints face to face, but roams around like a lion looking to sneak into the house.
My friend being confused is typical as most Christian's encounter confusion when the enemy comes to break in, rob, steal and destroy. For if God is not the author of confusion, then who is?
Beloved, watch your back sides, watch the back doors in your life. For the enemy comes in many forms always seeking to find a way into the house. Give not an inch!
Blessings, in Christ